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Winston Churchill and his remarks | Dayenu for Trump | Good Quotes

Soviet Science Reality (Rus) | Bernard Lown and his Nobel Prize
Strugackie: Jidyi Goroda Pitera | Piknik na Obochine | Onegin Code (R)
Ernst Neizvestny | Sergey Yursky - Interview in Russian | Zelensky in 2022
On Jews by Alexandr Gorodnitsky | Younger Jews

Leonid Mazih on Literature - Religion and More... | Antisemitism In Europe 2016
Mazih on History of World Religions | Postmodern Ideology (Rus) | History Of Old Believers In Latvia by Alex Gorodinsky

Lurie Family Legacy (in Rus) | Lurie Legacy Book
2023 Jewish Civilization by Papirov in Russion
About Israel Army (R) | About Israel Army | Holland Hights | JosephBrodskyAndHisDreamWoman
Golden Paint By Dina Rubina | Adam And Miriam By Dina Rubina (R)
Piano Needed (R) | Tomorrow by Mikhail Viellier | She Killed Stalin (R) | Alexandr Kerensky
Personally Responsible | Churchill Said So

Sefaria - Torah Ontology | High Holidays: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Daniela Levy: Jewish Novell | Shagal-Poem

Humor: Typos | About Aunt Minya (Rus) | Glorious Insults | Chernomordin is not joking
Guberman on Women (Rus)

Politics: Open Letter To Sergey Brin (Rus) | Open Letter to Brin from Dennis Prager | Socialism: Disease Or Pandemic

About mountains and mountaineers

Memory Notes By Anatoly Kanarsky

Hadji Murat by Leo Tolstoy