Tellastory Gallery
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To friends and family:
Bronia 60 from F. | Brone 60 from Levins | Brone 60 from Tanya Kaydanov
Kaydanov 60
Fime 65 from Yosef | Kaydanov 60 from F.
Summit Kilimanjaro Song | Everest 6500 Meters Song
Rimes On Friends And Family

More exhibitions: 1960-ZhukRelatives . 2014-12-Julie-in-LA . 2014-Detroit-Katz . 2016-family-friends . 2017-01-15 . 2019-RayaShelkovich-98 . Zhuk . 2021-Kale-Heith-Eli-Daria-In-Denver . israel-2015 . 2018-2021-zhuks . Gileles . RakhlinAndMendel-inL.A . Shelkovich-Putt
How To Save: Click on the image to make sure it is selected with the original size. Then press the right mouse button to save a picture for your personal album.
How To Upload: To add a new gallery to the web page: (You must LOGIN to have these privileges.)
a) - RESIZE your high resolution images in the folder (keep image size less than 500kb for performance) with the MS - ImageResizer tool to less than 1 mb image size.
b) - Collect resized (medium) images in a folder with a meaningful name like "2008-07-28-JoeSmithTripToAfrica". (Avoid space and apostrophy characters in the filename.)
c) - You can upload a single image file or a folder. Compress the folder by right mouse click - Send To - Compressed (zipped) folder and Upload the Zip file.
Movie Clips: 1 . 2 .